CBT-IU For GAD: Conceptualization and Treatment using Intolerance of Uncertainty as the Theme of Threat

Ομιλητής: Melisa Robichaud, Phd

Διήμερο Workshop 27-28 Μαρτίου 2021 (Θα διεξαχθεί μέσω Zoom στα Αγγλικά & θα δοθεί Βεβαίωση Συμμετοχής

Workshop Presenter:

 Dr. Melisa Robichaud is a clinical psychologist, specializing in CBT for anxiety disorders, with a special emphasis on generalized anxiety disorder. She holds clinical adjunct faculty positions in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia in Canada.

Dr. Robichaud is a former President of the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (CACBT), and is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Anxiety Canada. She has published numerous books and scientific articles on the assessment and treatment of worry and generalized anxiety disorder, and has provided workshops internationally in this area.


Conceptualization and Treatment using Intolerance of

Uncertainty as the Theme of Threat


This workshop will discuss how to both understand and treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) through the lens of intolerance of uncertainty (IU). GAD treatment outcomes using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) have often lagged behind other anxiety disorders. One reason for this is the lack of a unifying theme of threat to account for the disorder’s presentation. Without a cogent cognitive formulation for the development of excessive worry in GAD, it can be a challenge to effectively treat it. Decades of research have demonstrated a strong a specific relationship between IU and GAD worry, and this relationship can both assist in diagnosis and inform treatment.

From a CBT-IU perspective, individuals worry as a mental attempt to plan and prepare for any eventuality in order to reduce or avoid the uncertainty in daily life situations. This cognitive activity, in turn, is driven by a fear of uncertainty and its consequences. By addressing the underlying fear of uncertainty, symptoms of GAD can be identified and addressed more efficaciously. Moreover, this can be applied to worries present in other anxiety disorders.

What you will learn:

  • How to assess GAD symptoms and conduct an effective differential diagnosis of the disorder
  • The rationale behind CBT-IU and its application to GAD
  • How to conduct behavioural experiments designed to target the fear of uncertainty and challenge feared beliefs
  • An overview of complementary CBT-IU treatment interventions
  • The application of components of CBT-IU to other anxiety disorder presentations


Topics covered:

  • Overview of phenomenology and presentation of GAD
  • Diagnostic interview questions and assessment tools to aid in differential diagnosis
  • Research findings on the relationship of IU to GAD symptoms, as well as treatment efficacy
  • Rationale for IU and negative beliefs about uncertainty as the target of GAD treatment
  • Clinical presentation and modeling of CBT-IU model
  • Review of GAD-specific safety behaviours, and their impact on worry
  • Presentation of GAD-specific behavioural experiments designed to challenge negative beliefs about uncertainty
  • Overview of residual CBT-IU treatment components, including challenges to positive beliefs about the utility of worry, problem-solving training, and written exposure
  • Special application of behavioural experiments targeting negative beliefs about uncertainty to decision-making, as well as other anxiety disorders



  • Μέλη ΕΕΓΣΨ*: 80 €
  • Μη μέλη-Λοιποί επαγγελματίες: 100 €
  • Φοιτητές/τριες**: 50 €

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